Kohei Umeura was born in Tokyo on 1978. When i was child, i was influenced by the art and novel. In 2016, i was impressed by the modern art during visiting in Art Basel in Switzerland. I tried to draw figures of atmosphere, winds and signs from the nature. I also tried to visualize what cannot be seen, and attempted to reveal the involvement of unstable things that swing between the visible and invisible sides.  I started full-scale oil painting production several years ago. I draws fictional landscapes with special attention to color interrelationships, color perception, space formation, with unexpected accidents and details, and momentary changes.

After that, most of my art works are oil painting which expressed imagination using the chromatic screen composition method. In February 2021, the painting “Statue on the opposite bank” won a prize at the FACE 2021 at the SONPO Art Museum Tokyo. In November 2021,  the painting “Lean in” won a prize at the 88th Japan Art Academy of The Dokuritsu Exhibition at the National Art Center Tokyo. In March 2021, the painting “in the pink” won a prize at the ACT Art Award 2021 at the Artcomplex Center of Tokyo.